Today's Hours 10am - 6pm est
As a Gold Star Installer, we will give our online customers the opportunity to have their products professionally installed.
You'll get added service revenue from customers in your area who prefer to shop online plus the opportunity to sell these customers additional products and services. We benefit by offering our online customers the convenient option of hassle-free installation.
When customers prefer to buy online, we want them to shop from us, but when they research online and prefer to shop locally, we're happy to send them to you.
Free Internet Marketing
No Lead Fees
Increased Service Revenue
Up-Sell Oportunities
Endless Refferals
Risk Free - Cancel Any Time
Q) Do I or my company have to pay for this service?
A) No, this is simply a program where your company allows our customers choose to use your independent installation services.
Q) What happens when the customer buys something that we cannot install?
A) Because the customer paid for and owns the product, it’s the customer’s responsibility to return the products and make arrangements to have the right products for the installation.
Q) How does the Preferred Installer program affect my liability exposure?
A) Liability issues are no different with the Preferred Installer program compared to any of your other customer. The customer owns the products and parts and your business is providing installation work and charging for the service.